the British Institute of Graphologists


Summer Meeting

The next meeting of the British Institute of Graphologists will be held on Saturday 21st September 2024, No 63, Bayswater, London, W2 3PH. Nearest Tube station is Lancaster Gate.


11.00 - 12.30  Forms of Connection, John Beck

13.30 - 15.00 Workshop examining sample, Susan Ord



Future meeting dates:

Saturday 21st September 2024 (London)

Saturday 23rd November (Zoom)

Registering for the talk:

For London Meetings email: .  There is a small charge of £15 for members and £20 for non-members.  Coffee is provided on arrival, bring your own lunch or purchase it locally.

Zoom meetings are free for our members to attend, with a small charge of £10.00 for non-members on Zoom meetings. Prior booking is essential.  Spaces are limited and therefore it is important that you email  for enquiries or to book online. Spaces will be allocated on a first come first served basis.

Zoom – some information:

  • Zoom is a video conferencing software, free for users, and it can be used on computers, phones, and tablets.  Please download and install it before the talk (
  • Please note that Zoom keeps rolling new versions of their software, and therefore you might need to update it prior to the meeting.
  • Please make sure that you have your Zoom username and password handy on the day.
  • This is a useful help page: .
  • We will only be able to give limited assistance on the day just before the meeting, so please do familiarise yourself with the features before.
  • When you join the talk, first you will be held in a waiting room, until a few minutes before the start.
  • While it is nice if you have camera and we can see you during the talk, this is not essential.
  • You will be muted during the whole meeting, but you need to make sure that Zoom has access to your speakers so you can hear us.
  • There will be opportunity after the meeting to unmute yourself and chat to each other and to the speaker.


Please note that this talk will be recorded for internal purposes only.  We ask that you respect this and do not make any recordings.  We will make a re-recording later and that will be made available for the members on the website.   

Study Groups

May 2024

4pm (BST) Wednesday 26th June 2024
7pm (BST) Thursday 27th June 2024
1pm (BST) Friday 28th June 2024

For further details contact Susan Ord (


For Northern Graphologists Meetings information, or to be added on the mailing list, please contact: Susan Ord on 01948 820469 or Ruth Rostron on 0161 431 5517  Meetings are free of charge, no membership is required, all levels of knowledge or experience are welcome.

The next Northern Graphologists' meeting is Wednesday 22nd May 2024, 10.30am, via Zoom.  All are welcome, contact .